1. Work Ethic
Valuable: this is a resource that is valuable all throughout one's life and to develop it now is key.
Rare: not all students work as hard as I do toward my goals.
Inimitable: there's only one me!
Non-substitutable: See above!
2. Ability to learn quickly.
Rare: not all people can learn quickly and I am very grateful for this skill (which I think is a result of working hard).
Inimitable: there's only one me!
Non-substitutable: See above1
3. The right human resources.
Rare: Having the right connections is rare because there are only a few right connections.
Inimitable: You can't fake a connection.
Non-substitutable: See above.
4. The passion for my idea.
Rare: I don't think everyone loves what they study or what they do for work; to enjoy what you do is a true blessing.
Inimitable: You can't fake determination.
Non-substitutable: See above.
5. The simplicity of my idea.
Rare: I don't think simple ideas are rare...
Inimitable: I don't think the idea of heating stations on campus are inimitable.
Non-substitutable: There are substitutes.
6. The easy implication of my idea.
Rare: Not many ideas can be implemented as quickly as I think this one can; usually, it takes years to change something on a campus.
Inimitable: It's not inimitable.
Non-substitutable: It's not nonsubstitutable.
7. The student support of my idea.
Rare: I think many students are indifferent to changes on campus; this idea really makes students excited and I'm grateful for that.
Inimitable: It's not.
Non-substitutable: It's not.
8. Ability to present my idea clearly.
Rare: It's not a rare skill.
Inimitable: It's not inimitable.
Non-substitutable: It's not non-substitutable.
9. My people-skills.
Rare: It's not rare.
Inimitable: It's not.
Non-substitutable: It's not.
10. Relatively cheap
Rare: I do think good ideas are usually quite expensive, but I don't expect this idea to cost more than a few hundred to a couple thousand dollars depending on how many heating stations are put up throughout campus.
Inimitable: It's not.
Non-substitutable: It's not.
My Top Resource: Human resources because who you know is vitally important to making changes in certain environments and especially on campus!